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Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment

How foreign language teachers in primary and secondary education can include (cross)linguistic mediation in their teaching practices

The METLA resources propose innovative and engaging ways in which teachers can include language mediation in their everyday classroom practice. The resources provide essential information about language mediation, examples of cross-linguistic mediation tasks and step-by-step guidelines on how you can design and evaluate your own language mediation tasks.


The Teaching Guide

The METLA team has developed a Teaching Guide for foreign language teachers in primary and secondary education who want to include (cross)linguistic mediation in their teaching practices. The Guide contains information about the theory and practice of language teaching, learning and assessing in relation to mediation, together with examples of mediation tasks in different languages. These examples draw on the new Companion Volume of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR-CV). The Guide also provides tips and suggestions for teachers on how they can design their own mediation tasks.

Download the Teaching Guide 

The METLA tasks database

The METLA resources also offer a database with additional sample (cross)linguistic mediation tasks in different languages for different contexts.

Go to the METLA tasks database


ID: 9
Name: Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment
Shortcut: www.ecml.at/mediation
FlyerUrl: https://www.ecml.at/Portals/1/6MTP/project-stathopoulou/documents/flyer-mediation-EN.pdf
Type: ENFR
Year: 2023
Authors: Maria STATHOPOULOU, Phyllisienne VASSALLO GAUCI, Magdalini LIONTOU, Sílvia MELO-PFEIFER
En: False
Fr: True
De: False


a teaching guide with information about what mediation entails, how it can be taught and types of mediation tasks
a database with cross-linguistic mediation tasks

Target groups

  • teachers
  • teacher educators
  • curriculum planners
  • material developers
  • school inspectors/advisors

Project team


Magdalini LIONTOU

Supported by: Bessie Dendrinos (Greece), Maria Dolors Masats Viladoms (Spain), Katerina Krimpogianni (Greece), Eva Braidwood (Finland) and Franziska Gerwers (Germany).

Show project pages

 Key references 


The glossary contains 18 key terms in English and French in the field of mediation and plurilingualism. It was developed by the METLA project team. Some definitions draw upon different ECML glossaries found in the ECML website so as to ensure continuity and coherence across projects.

Show glossary

Bibliography of sources consulted for the Teaching Guide